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Any time you view images, you want to keep in mind what messages those images send you - for example, most fashion models are thin, white, and cisgender, so that can give you an unrealistic idea about what it means to be beautiful. Now, even if you’re just curious or want to feel turned on, there are still a few things to think about. As writer Tina Horn once told me, 'The sex in porn is not a how-to guide for real-life sex, just like driving in The Fast and the Furious is not a guide for real-life driving.” In porn, there’s not usually a discussion between the partners about what they both want - though this is something actors talk about before they shoot together. Porn often shows no barriers (like condoms) whereas the majority of people report using barriers during sex. For example, maintaining an erection for several hours is nearly impossible.

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The sex portrayed in most readily available porn really isn’t true to the sex most people have in their lives. If, however, what you’re looking for is answers to questions about real-life sex and relationships, porn usually isn’t the best place to go for that. First of all: Why are you excited about watching porn? If it’s because you’re curious about what it is or because it sounds exciting, that’s totally fine, and we’ll talk about how to be smart about how you watch it.

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